cardboard and mortar
Cardboard boxes, as found prepared for recycling on the streets, mortared together to fix their contingent configuration.
- Color: Beige (27″x22″x17″)
- Color:Beige
- Green Line (29″x25″x23″)
- Green Line (detail)
- Green Line (detail)
- 2 of 2 (46″x40″x27″)
- 2 of 2 (detail)
- 2 of 2
- Flashback (57″X27″X26″)
- Flashback
- Flashback (detail)
- Fragile-Handmade (29″x25″x23″)
- Fragile-Handmade
- Your Way (44.5″x35’x18″)
- Your Way (detail)
- Do Not Cut (23″x27″x20″)
- Do Not Cut (detail)
- Taste of Jamaica (28″x23″x21″)
- Press Here (15.5″x13″x13″)